Remote Backup Client V11.1.6 Desktop setup

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Remote Backup Client V11.1.6 Desktop setup

Post by MikePeller »

Remote Backup Client V11.1.6 Desktop setup
Steps for installing Remote Backup Client
1. Set up the account on Pelstar’s Remote Backup server first. Note: do not set quota here first, the client install will overwrite that.

2. Make sure you disable previous backup programs and document what they were and what they were doing.

3. Make sure you have an external hard drive with you if you’re physically in front of the computer you’re installing the client on.

4. Go to and log in download the correct client file. Below are the differences:

The Server Edition backs up Windows Servers. It uses 4 Credits. It has all available features turned ON, including unlimited Exchange mailboxes, SQL Server, System State, Active Directory, and Sharepoint.

The Desktop Edition backs up Windows desktop computers. It uses 2 credits. It will not install on Server operating systems. It has all features turned on except support for Exchange, Active Directory and Sharepoint.

The Personal Edition is for personal computers. It uses 1 credit. It will only allow you to choose what files are backed up by file extension. It has the following features turned off: Exchange, SQL Server, System State, Active Directory, Sharepoint, Bit Backup, Copy to Disk, Delete Files from Server, Advanced Interface, Mapped Drives, File Selection Interface, Multiple Backup Sets, Differential Backup, Keep Latest Version, Purge Files by Sets, and Local Mirror.

5. When the installer asks you if you want to install locked file support, click Yes only if this is not an SBS 2008 server, as this may cause the system to randomly bluescreen. Click Yes to install as a Windows Service. Restart if prompted, or click on the icon in the taskbar’s running programs. Click New Registration here.

6. Enter a valid email address on the registration, either the client’s or, then click Next and enter the account info you created in step 1, then choose the option “Generate a secure encryption key for me. Keep clicking Next and Finish

7. When it asks you to create an updated emergency key file, do this, but first create a folder in a connected drive with plenty of space, preferably not the operating system drive unless you are installing it on a workstation with plenty of room for the backup files. We’ll call the drive you choose drive X in this document. In drive X:\ make a folder called REMOTE BACKUP_DO_NOT_TOUCH and save the files in there.

8. Take a Printscreen of the encryption key information and save it in a Wordpad document in C:\RBS_DO_NOT_DELETE_THIS_FOLDER

9. Click Backupset -> Rename and rename the backup set the client-computername

10. Click on Options -> Preferences and double-click on the icon of the lock, and enter RBSpelstar as the password. Click on the Backup tab and enter X:\ REMOTE BACKUP_DO_NOT_TOUCH for Temporary Folder Path and BitBackup Reference Path. Before you click “Apply”, click on the Admin Options button and check all the boxes in virtual exclusions (scroll down to get them all). Click ok a couple times.

11. Browse through and check which folder(s) you want to back up.

12. Click on Schedule -> Backup Schedule.

13. Under Backup Type, choose BitBackup

14. Set the Roll-Forward threshold to 10

15. If this is a brand new workstation or we can’t physically get to the computer, continue to step 16. Otherwise, perform the steps below to do a copy-to-disk:

a. Important: since we’re going to do a copy-to-disk for the first backup run because you’re physically in front of the computer AND the computer is not a new setup (I.E. it has very little data to back up), we will turn off the scheduled backup until we finish the copy-to-disk. So, under Backup Schedule, choose On Demand.

b. Click Apply and then Close now

c. Browse through and check which folder(s) you want to back up.

d. Click on Run -> Copy to Disk and select a folder in your External Hard Drive. Depending on the size of the backup set, this will take anywhere from an hour to all day.

e. Once this backup is complete, go back into Schedule -> Backup Schedule and continue with the steps below.

16. Choose Daily under Backup Schedule, and choose an appropriate time to run this schedule

17. Click Apply and then Close now

18. Double-check Window’s Scheduled Tasks that the event(s) has been created.

19. VERY IMPORTANT: Open regedit and change the value of SkipReadOnly to False in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quantum Tech, Inc.\Remote Backup\Settings

20. Open up X:\REMOTE BACKUP_DO_NOT_TOUCH and copy the Wordpad document with the screenshot of the emergency key file, the recovery.dsk and the recovery.dat files to a thumb drive which you will place in the Customer Docs folder for this client.

21. Important: close the Remote Backup program (make sure it’s not in the Taskbar) or the scheduled backup will not run.
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